
Dear Health Community Colleague,

Welcome to the new edition of the Navigator monthly newsletter. In this month's edition of the Navigator you'll find information on the Provider Mix & Mingle drawing winner, ACEP Frontline Podcast, the provider representative spotlight and more.

If you want to learn more about any of the articles in this issue of the Navigator, don't hesitate to contact us.

Thank you,
Colorado Access

Provider Mix and Mingle - Survey Drawing Winner
Thanks to all who attended our provider Mix & Mingle on Thursday, December 5th. And thank you to all who filled out a meeting survey.  

After each meeting, we draw a name from those who filled out a survey and award a prize. This quarter’s winner of a holiday mug and $15.00 Starbucks gift card goes to;  

Kristina Sink
Highlands Behavioral Health
Adolescent Champion Model  
The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) if currently recruiting for the third cohort of health centers to take part in the award-winning Adolescent Champion Model in Colorado which will start in February 2020.

This multi-year project is being funded through support from HCPF with the goal of improving adolescent health in the state of Colorado. The University of Michigan’s Adolescent Health Initiative is partnering with Dr. Paritosh Kaul, professor of pediatrics section of adolescent medicine at University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital, to replicate the model in Colorado.

Additional information is attached. If your practice is interested in participating
please contact Natasha Brockhaus at HCPF.

Natasha Brockhaus
ACC Program Administrator  
Health Programs Office
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing
Community Events

Monday, January 27, 2020
Colorado Senior Lobby Presents A Capitol Affair a day under the dome for learning about aging issues and how to be an advocate. More information.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Transforming Health Care lecture series for World Cancer Day

Join Chancellor Don Elliman and Director of the CU Cancer Center Dr. Richard Schulick for a discussion of the latest breakthroughs in cancer research and care.

5 P.M. - 7:30 P.M.
CU Anschutz, Education 2 South, Room 1102
13121 East 17th Avenue,
Aurora, CO 80045

Please inquire to CU Anschutz for more information.

If you have an upcoming community event that you'd like us to share, please email us.

ACEP Frontline Podcast
Dr. Kim Nordstrom, one of our medical directors of behavioral health, was a guest on ACEP Frontline, a podcast hosted by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). Dr. Nordstrom discussed the approach and challenges of behavioral health in the emergency medicine environment, and proposed solutions from a resource document she recently published for the American Psychiatric Association (APA). The episode is available on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, or Stitcher.

The APA and the ACEP hosted a joint webinar on the same topic on December 11, 2019. Dr. Nordstrom, an emergency physician, and a member of National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) all spoke at the webinar. A recording will be available soon, and will be shared in a future edition of Navigator.

Manager of provider relations Kathy Stroud has worked at Colorado Access for less than a year but has 30 years of health care industry experience behind her. She thoroughly enjoys her job and is driven by her passion for health care for all. Her favorite part of her job is ensuring that providers have the resources necessary to serve their members.

Kathy is originally from California. Outside of work, she loves to lift weights, cook, and cheer on her hometown team, the Golden State Warriors. Something most people don’t know about Kathy is that she loves wildlife and watching black-and-white movies from the 1940s-1960s.

11100 E. Bethany Dr.
Aurora, CO 80014

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