At Colorado Access, we are committed to caring for you and your success as you serve our members. Our monthly Provider Update highlights essential information and resources to support you as a contracted provider with us.
Get Higher Reimbursements for Providing Behavioral Health Services in Non-English LanguagesWe are excited to introduce a new program that allows you to earn enhanced reimbursements for providing behavioral health services in non-English languages. Eligible outpatient providers can now bill a 10% increased rate on direct outpatient behavioral health services offered in a member's identified language. Federally qualified health centers,
community mental health centers, and inpatient hospitals do not qualify for this incentive.
This incentive is the first of its kind, and it recognizes the additional effort, training, and expertise needed to deliver culturally and linguistically appropriate care.
This program is exclusive to us, Colorado Access, and does not apply to any other Regional Accountable Entity (RAE) services that use an interpreter.
Talk to your assigned provider network manager or find out who to contact here to learn more.
Provider Revalidation On November 12, 2023, the flexibility that suspended provider disenrollment after the revalidation date during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) ended. You have a grace period to finish the revalidation process if you have revalidation dates from October 1, 2020, to November 11, 2023. If you have a revalidation date after November 11, 2023, you need to complete revalidation on time.
Updated Provider FormsTo help make data intake more streamlined and accurate, we recently updated four provider forms: the physical health clinical staff update form, the behavioral health clinical staff update form, the provider notification of termination form, and the clinic closure form. The updated forms can be found on our website for your immediate use.
411 Notification to ProvidersWe are required by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to perform the RAE Encounter Data Validation Review (411 audit) annually to ensure that you maintain complete and accurate clinical records for our members. This is essential for meeting patient needs, complying with federal and state laws, and supporting claims billed.
HCPF includes 411 chart records for each region in the review. Each region is audited across multiple behavioral health services against the coding requirements for the Uniform Services Coding Standards (USCS) Manual (now the State Behavioral Health Services Billing Manual). HCPF randomly selects providers to participate.
The 2024 411 audit will review paid behavioral health encounters from inpatient, residential, and outpatient psychotherapy services with dates of service from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, with paid dates between July 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023. HCPF has not yet released the audit sample.
Coding and DocumentationWe regularly audit provider documentation to ensure that all participating providers delivering behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) services meet compliance, quality documentation, and coding standards. Audit criteria is based on regulations, billing manuals, industry best practices, and other sources that support appropriate billing and documentation.
Behavioral Health Foster Care Request for ProposalsWe are seeking a behavioral health provider to partner with on foster youth programming. Applications are currently open. One provider will be awarded $300,000 to administer behavioral health-focused screenings or assessments to children in the foster care system in Adams, Arapahoe, Douglas, and Elbert counties. To view the Request for Proposal and submit an application, click here. Applications are due by Friday, January 19, 2024.
2024 SurveyDataStat administers the annual Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey on behalf of the state of Colorado. The anonymous survey is available in both English and Spanish and provides valuable insights for enhancing the member experience with us and our network providers.
Member outreach will take place from mid-December 2023 to late May 2024, with online, phone, and mail-in options to complete the survey. A statewide initiative aims to boost response rates in 2024 by emphasizing the survey’s role in driving improvements. If you are asked about the survey, please inform members about its significance and stress the value of their input.
To read past CAHPS reports, click here. To learn more about the survey, click here.
Responsibility to Review Delegate Provider Web Portal AccountsIf you are registered as an “Individual Within a Group,” you must have your own Provider Web Portal username and password to revalidate separately from your affiliated group. Here is a guide that can
help if you have forgotten your username or password.
Behavioral Health Administration BenefitsBefore providing Title XIX (TXIX) services, please review the patient's eligibility and ensure they have TXIX benefits through Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program). Members who have behavioral health administrative benefits (BHAB) but not TXIX are not eligible for any service under TXIX.
Upcoming Enrollment RequirementClaims with services requiring Ordering, Prescribing, or Referring (OPR) providers will post Explanation of Benefits (EOB) 1997 if the OPR provider was not enrolled with Health First Colorado by mid-November 2023. EOB 1997: "The referring, ordering provider, and attending type is invalid for the service. The service is not within the scope of the provider type."
This is not a claim denial. Claims submitted for services or items that require an OPR can be found in the relevant billing manual on the Billing Manuals webpage.
If you have any questions, please contact the Provider Services Call Center.
Billing Members Copays or DeductiblesYou cannot bill members for copays or deductibles assessed by third-party resources. You cannot bill members for the difference between commercial health insurance payments and their billed charges when Health First Colorado does not make additional payments. The member's commercial health insurance must be billed first, and lower-of-pricing is used to calculate reimbursement from Health First
Colorado. Learn more here and here.
Annual Supervision Attestation Licensed clinicians looking to supervise unlicensed and pre-licensed practitioners under the Colorado Medicaid Standards for Unlicensed Practitioners policy guidelines must submit an attestation to each contracted Regional Accountable
Entity (RAE) to engage in supervision practices.
As a contracted provider with us, you will now automatically receive an email from us annually during the month of your original attestation that will link you to our learning management system, where you will re-attest. Organizations, groups, and facilities only need to submit one attestation for their entity.
The policy and attestation form can be found here.
If you have any questions on our annual supervision attestation process, please email provider.contracting@coaccess.com.
Rule Change for Marriage and Family Therapists and Mental Health CounselorsThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced a rule change that now allows marriage and family therapists and mental health counselors – including eligible addiction,
alcohol, or drug counselors who meet qualification requirements for mental health counselors – to enroll for the first time in Medicare.
Behavioral Health Modifier ChangesOn January 1, 2024, HCPF will be changing modifiers that impact billing; the first-position modifier will no longer be added to claims, with a few exceptions. The first-position modifiers that will no longer be required on a claim are:
HE (State Plan)
B3: HK (Residential), U4 (CM), TM (ACT), HM (Respite), HJ (Voc), TT (Recovery, HT (Prev/EI) HQ (Clubhouse/Drop in, and HF (SUD)
The only codes in the SBHS Manual that will require a first-position modifier (currently a second-position modifier) are:
Code |
Modifier |
Current Position |
Future Position |
Description |
H0019 |
HB |
Second |
First |
Adult MH Transition Living |
H0019 |
U1 |
Second |
First |
H2036 |
U1 |
Second |
First |
ASAM 3.1 |
H2036 |
U3 |
Second |
First |
ASAM 3.3 |
H2036 |
U5 |
Second |
First |
ASAM 3.5 |
H2036 |
U7 |
Second |
First |
ASAM 3.7 |
New Code for Behavioral Health Drop-In ServicesAs of January 1, 2024, behavioral health drop-in center services will be billed with Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code H0046. The service is currently covered by code H0023 with a specific modifier to distinguish it from other services. Code H0046 will not need a modifier.
HCPCS code H0023 will be used exclusively for behavioral health outreach and will no longer require modifiers to distinguish it from drop-in services.
Code H0046 is identical in structure and utilization to code H0023. This includes minimum and maximum time, relative unit value, and reimbursement rates. There will be no changes to benefits.
Autism Spectrum DisorderStarting January 1, 2024, psychotherapy services for a primary diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) will be covered under the RAEs. Hereis a list of psychotherapy codes that will be covered by the RAEs for a primary diagnosis of ASD beginning January 1, 2024:
Procedure Code |
Description |
90785 |
Interactive complexity |
90791 |
Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation Services |
90792 |
Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation Services, with medical services |
90832 |
Psychotherapy with member, 30 mins |
90833 |
ADD ON Psychotherapy with member when performed with an E&M service, 30 mins |
90834 |
Psychotherapy with member, 45 mins |
90836 |
ADD ON Psychotherapy with member when performed with an E&M service, 45 mins |
90837 |
Psychotherapy with member, 60 mins |
90838 |
ADD ON Psychotherapy with member when performed with E&M service, 60 mins |
90839 |
Psychotherapy for Crisis, first 60 mins |
90840 |
ADD ON Psychotherapy for Crisis, each additional 30 mins |
90846 |
Family psychotherapy without the member present |
90847 |
Family psychotherapy with the member present |
90849 |
Multiple-family group psychotherapy |
90853 |
Group psychotherapy (other than of a multiple-family group) |
Neurological and Psychological Testing Policy ChangeYou will be able to submit claims for neurological and psychological testing to Gainwell Technologies or the MCE as determined by the diagnosis identified at the point of referral effective January 1, 2024. The scope of testing needed is determined through a review of available member history and existing clinical documentation when a referral for testing is received. You can identify
the primary payer (MCE or FFS) based on the primary condition being assessed or dismissed.
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Institute of Mental Disease (IMD) Campus PolicyAs of January 1, 2024, policy guidance will be published for campus settings with multiple residential behavioral health components to navigate IMD criteria. Refer to this policy to avoid triggering an IMD designation. Learn more here.
New Specialty Types for Substance Use Disorder (SUD)Certain specialty types will be created in line with BHA rule approval under Provider Type 64 (SUD Continuum) to align with new BHA endorsements for outpatient SUD services effective January 1, 2024. You should update enrollments with the revised license documentation as the appropriate endorsement is secured.
Read More >
11100 E. Bethany Dr. Aurora, CO 80014